I don't like to blog about anything negative. And I hate when people complain about how bad their live is. I think to myself shut the H**L up and get over it. Well I've decided that the reason why I haven't blogged in awhile would be because I have nothing exciting to blog about. The kids last day of school is tomorrow. I'm not sure how the heck I'm going to entertain them all summer long. If anyone has any suggestion please leave me a comment. I'm still so nauseated and tired that I could curl up in the fetal position and stay that way the rest of my pregnancy. I will be 14 weeks along on Monday and I don't usually start feeling better till 18 weeks. 4 more weeks of this YUCK!!! I'm totally stressed about having 4 kids. I've had a yeast infection for the last month and a half and has finally gotten so bad I don't want to get out of bed. I went to the doctor this morning and she put me on some medication. She looked for the Heart Beat and couldn't find one. I was terrified. We did an ultra sound and the baby was fine. But I still don't know the sex and won't know it till the 15th of July. I'm hoping things will get better soon and I will have something amazing, fantastic, and exciting to blog about.
We are planning on going to the Air Show this weekend. I secretly have an obsession with Jets and not many people know this about me. I'm totally excited I just hope that I'm feeling up to it or I will be totally disappointed if I can't go :(. I really know why we forget how sick and miserable we are when were pregnant or we wouldn't do it again. Good thing they're so worth it. I'm so sorry for the venting session I know reading this from someone else I already know my reaction. GET OVER IT!!! I have to keep telling myself this. Please I'm not looking for sympathy I'm just letting everyone know what the heck has been going on in my life.
That's what a blog is about... saying what's going on in your life! I'm so sorry you're sick... being sick sucks! I miss ya and love ya and hope you get feeling better soon.
I think it is GREAT to write about everything. Keep it up! I don't think you are negative, you don't feel good. Hope you have a great weekend. We have been watching the jets all day. They are amazing. We need to get together soon.
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